It was inspiring to hear of the many successes and learnings that CSHC experienced in the past year. We were pleased to share the review with our guests as we also celebrated this 40th year.
To summarize, last year our 12 staff and 98 volunteers provided programs to clients of 72 organizations and students at 37 schools. In total we impacted 28,788 Calgarians with programs, information and resources.
- Our Training Centre provided 63 professional development workshops for 1,930 service providers in our community.
- We provided confidential one-on-one counselling services to 285 clients, and an additional 1714 individuals through email and phone support.
- Our Adult Outreach Programs provided 125 community workshops reaching 1,133 individuals.
- Our Youth Outreach Programs partnered with 22 community organizations to provide 218 workshops reaching 2920 marginalized youth.
- We reached over 8,300 students in public and private junior and senior high schools with our Comprehensive Sexual Health Education Program.
Of course, the highlight of the evening was the keynote presentation by acclaimed author Amy Schalet. Her stories and insights into cultural differences around teen sexuality - and the impact of those differences - resonated with our staff and guests, and will certainly inspire much discussion and new perspective in our work as we move forward.
To learn more about Amy Schalet and her book "Not Under My Roof" - or to view any of the resources she referred to during her presentation - visit her online at
And of course - thank you to everyone for supporting our work last year and over the past 40 years! Our board, staff, volunteers, funders, community partners and supporters - past and present - all make our work possible.
Thank you.
We are also pleased that CJSW will be airing her presentation from last night during an upcoming show. Stay tuned for more details.